

Leading UAE-based supplier of logistics solutions, ORG Logistics, set out to make a corporate film that would highlight their infrastructure, operational prowess, and corporate achievements. The customer wanted to use a mix of infographics, green screen effects, and live-action video to demonstrate their effectiveness and knowledge. The purpose of the film was to strengthen the company’s brand recognition in the logistics sector and to attract new customers by showcasing its offerings.

Showcase operational excellence and company milestones.


ORG Logistics asked us to make a corporate film that would highlight their dedication to efficiency and their expertise in logistics. The organization, which works in a number of industries, requested a visually stunning film that offered a more in-depth look at their internal procedures in addition to explaining their services. This involved capturing real-time operations on camera at their offices and warehouses and including visual components to convey important facts. Their objective was to produce a polished and captivating film that would support their brand image and be used as a marketing tool.


Organizing the shot in a short amount of time across several sites, including their office and warehouse, was one of the biggest problems we encountered during production. Using a green screen to capture moving photos of a vehicle on the road needed careful post-production work to achieve a smooth result. The project was made more challenging by the need to coordinate the filming with the company’s daily activities without interfering with their business.

Our approach

We created a thorough production strategy that guaranteed effective cooperation between all locations in order to handle these issues. To make sure that our filming schedule complemented ORG Logistics’ operating flow, we collaborated closely with their marketing team. We employed sophisticated visual effects techniques to incorporate the truck into multiple sequences during the green screen filming. Infographics and stock footage that emphasized significant business milestones and statistics were carefully chosen. By working closely together and using strategic planning, we were able to provide a video that satisfied the client’s needs.


Corporate Films | Panda Creations Dubai | ORG
  • Concept development and creative planning
  • Scriptwriting
  • Storyboarding
  • Location scouting
  • Client coordination and scheduling
  • Equipment and logistics planning
Corporate Films | Interviews & Testimonial | Panda Creations Dubai | BTS



Showcasing Real-Time Operations

The core productions

One of the most important parts of the ORG Logistics movie was the green screen shot of a truck driving. To make the truck merge in with the background, precise post-production work was needed. Our team produced a realistic moving sequence that went well with the live-action video by utilizing cutting-edge visual effects techniques. ORG Logistics’ strengths were efficiently demonstrated through the incorporation of visual effects and infographics, which also gave their audience a visually appealing narrative.